

Athens, MI


February 3

How many years have you been running?


What is your goal race for the year?

marathon in May and July

What is your greatest running accomplishment?

Groundhog Marathon - snow and 9 degrees

What is your "ultimate dream" running goal?

half iron man

This is the life

Today, here in Michigan, I ran in teens degree weather.  After slant board warm ups I ran miles on drifting, icy back roads.  I ran through unplowed cemetery roads and sidewalks.  All this wearing my minimalist shoes.  I remember Zig Ziglar telling the story how he went through the ritual of getting all his running gear on, and on day one, huffing and puffing his way past bushes and trees - all the way to the neighbor's mail box!  Years later he was running through a college campus on a…

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New member & quick question

New member here.  Two years ago I started running.  I was one of those who thought it was a waste of time and body use.  I am almost 50 and for years I was a league volleyball and softball player.  For the past 15years my job (evening/night shift) pretty much canceled those two activities out so I have not been all that physically active.  As a result I weighed more than ever.  I felt lethargic.  I began to have the urgency that I need to do something to get myself in shape so I started…

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