Dealing With Food, Prednisone, and the Universe :)

If there's an upside to being a few weeks away from age 35, it's that I finally figured out a few things with regards to patience, perfection (or lack of it), and how to deal with setbacks. Sure, I don't burn off that doughnut that I scarfed down in the break room at work (I was rushed and STARVING) like I did ten years ago, but at least I don't freak out about it and go punish myself on the treadmill for ten miles when I get home from work. And when things don't go quite according to the training plan (because I had a couple of bad mushrooms and my face and mouth suddenly looked like I was being eaten alive by flesh-eating bacteria last weekend. Oh wait, they still kind of do), I can shrug it off and see what I can still do in spite of that. Getting older isn't easy on the body, but it can be easier on the mind than being a teenager in high school... if you let it be.

I got around to realizing all of this after my mom called and asked what I wanted for my birthday. Honestly, I haven't a clue. Oh sure, VFF KSOs would be nice when it gets colder, and a Garmin Forerunner 205 looks awfully swell, but I'm certainly not about to make anyone shell out that kind of money on me. For the most part, I got all the cool stuff on my Xmas lists from years past already: a horse farm with real live Mustangs (and a Quarter Horse)! I even have an adult- sized hula hoop (for cross-training purposes, you understand :P ) on days when I'd just rather dance around and keep in touch with my inner dork (and spin my hands and hoop right into the ceiling fans... again). To keep from driving Mom nuts and inducing "Mom guilt", however, maybe I should just have her and the rest of the family send me a card and some basic art supplies (I've been meaning to try and take up Chinese brush painting again anyway, now that my first of two college degrees are out of the way). It will certainly keep me away from the ceiling fans.

One thing that I did do this week that I've done in years past (but not enough of lately) is watch the Perseid meteor shower in my own backyard. There's nothing quite like massive Prednisone- induced insomnia to keep you motivated (and very, VERY wide awake) enough to catch a few meteorites streak across the sky over the course of a few hours, and it definitely beats anything you might watch on late- night TV. And you can't not think about the world (and the rest of the universe) around you and realize just how amazing it really all is while you're doing it.

Looking at my training log, I realize that I'll only barely get all of my scheduled runs in this week, that the Prednisone has made me swell up a few pounds and messed with my HR on runs, and when I finally do get off the stuff (Pred) and figure out how to sleep again, I'll probably be scrambling to get all of my runs in next week too once my brain realizes that it can finally rest. But I suppose I still owe it to the Prednisone for keeping me awake for one of Nature's best light shows around. It won't help in the quest of improved PRs, but not everything in life has to. I wish I knew that ten years ago.

* No ceiling fans have been harmed in the making of this blog entry.

** The use of Prednisone should only ever be done under doctor's orders, and should be avoided at all costs otherwise. If you ever have to take it, you won't need to worry about sleeping in late.

*** If you get in touch with your inner dork and take up hooping, be wary of ceiling fans, walls, cats underfoot, and Welsh corgis.
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