Race (1)

How to Train for a New Kind of Race

School is finally over and that means I suddenly have time not only to train in earnest, but blog about it too! I've been a bit "meh" about the races I have coming up, because they are all ones I've done before. Lot's of local 5k's and they are all pretty much road races as that's really what's popular in this area. In talking to my uncles (all former marathoners) at a party this weekend a new race was brought to my attention - the Monster Marathon. It's exactly the kind of race I want to do. (more info here)I'm not sure I'd be up for the full marathon on the first go around, but the half seems well within my reach... with some training. It's obviously 13.1 miles, and it scales around 5000 feet of total climb up a local mountain (not quite the Tetons, but it will do), before coming back down. It's a totally new kind of race for me, but it's the kind of race that I've dreamed of doing. 

I can't do it this year, as I'm out of town that weekend, but I'm thinking of making this my big goal race for next year. I don't have a big goal race this year and I can tell in my motivation that I need one. Last year I had a race (Princess Half Marathon) and it really helped me stay motivated. This year I don't have much, and my level of motivation has followed suit. Just thinking about this race, even though for me it will be more then a year away, has me excited already. Now I just need to figure out HOW to train for it. The distance part I get, but what about that climb? The race starts with an almost 2000 ft climb before it kind of, sort of, levels off with smaller ups and downs. Of course this means the last 2-3 miles is straight downhill, so that can't be bad! 

I've got time to investigate the best way to get ready for it, so I'm happy with that aspect of it. I won't be going into it unprepared. I'm just really glad I've found that kind of race I aspire to do in my own backyard!

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