First Trail Run in the Dark

I haven't been on trails in months. I had high hopes of running on the US Whitewater Center trails this morning. I thought the previous day's rain would close their trails, so I was already planning to run the mountain bike trails down the road. But I forgot about the time change last night. Because I knew my children would wake up at their normal time (i.e. what would be an hour earlier this morning) I went ahead and got up at my normal time, instead of enjoying that extra hour of sleep. I wasn't thinking about how dark it would be, but I thought to bring a light with me as I went out the door. Glad I did! And in hindsight, I'm glad I ended up on the bike trails down the road. I know them inside and out, which is definitely a good thing when running in the dark! I've run the Whitewater Center trails, but I don't know them that well. I had a pretty good run, probably slower than usual, but I was trying to be careful about tripping in the dark. I got a laugh out of thinking what my non-running friends would say. But I figure if I have goals of running 50K and 50mi ultras, I'm going to need some experience trail running in the dark. It's funny  how things work out sometimes!

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  • Those are the most memorable and fun runs...and def keep it interesting!

  • Absolutely, Lori! I searched and searched for my headlamp the night before, since I had a feeling I would need it. Couldn't find it, so I took the headlight from my bike with me. Not as ideal, having to carry it, but it worked just the same. And, yes, I laughed at myself  several times! I do most of my running early in the morning, so I'm used to (road) running in the dark... But throw a few more trees, bushes, and large rocks around me and all of a sudden I get paranoid! It's so stupid, I know. But that's when I would laugh at myself! Plus, all this keeps life interesting! :)

  • Running in the dark is a whole different world!  Must have sense of humor...and good headlamp!

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