dog (1)

Running With the Spirit of Dog

The Destructo Puppy was running free again this morning. I found her tormenting the elderly corgi from the other side of the fence with her freedom. Realizing that it was the second time that she escaped this morning alone (never mind the previous days before that), there seemed to be only one thing to do with all of that excess energy, so I grabbed a leash and away we went (much to the corgi's relief). Along the way, I taught her how to drink from an opened water bottle because it was already hot, but along the way she told me the following:


1. That thing on your wrist is little more than a collar for humans if you're paying more attention to that than the path ahead of you. 


2. You see how I sometimes stop to sniff something cool or slow to a walk when I'm feeling like I need to catch my breath? Yeah, maybe you should do that too once in a while and stop worrying so much about that collar on  your wrist. You'll breathe better and stop worrying drivers with that red face of yours as they go by.


3. It's funny how your form gets better when we speed up and stop worrying, isn't it?


4. There's always time for belly rubs. For humans as well as dogs.


5. SQUIRREL! Sorry, I couldn't resist.


In the six months that she's been a part of my life, I wonder sometimes who has been teaching whom. I brought her to obedience class a couple of months ago (for both of our sakes- and my sanity), but she gets me thinking out on the roads and trails all the time now.

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