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18 day countdown

18 days and I'm going to be running an official 5k.  I know it's only 3.1 miles.  I know I've technically already run that far.  But this is the first all-running event I've ever done.  What's more, like so many others out there, at this time last year, if you'd told me I'd be running anything...away from a bear, to the store, around a track...I would have told you you were crazy.  What a difference a book, some discipline, time and the insatiable "what if" curiosity bug can make!  I'm really looking forward to my little run and I'm already setting my sights on the next goal-10k or half here I come!  While I'm on the topic of dreams, I have a crazy idea: I want to compete in the half Ironman in Lawrence, KS in 2013.  It might be a big bite but it's something I've wanted to do forever.  So, as we welcome a hasty Spring and a fast approaching Summer, here's to big dreams and that streak that drives us to get outside and PLAY!

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