Lori Enlow's Posts (187)

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B2R trail prototypes

Trail tested the B2R trail prototypes today...Had a blast! Check out the pics! Feel just as good as the road version, no slipping while climbing up the steep sandy trail, good grip on wobbly rocks, can feel the ground...but not those pesky sharp little rocks! And they match my favorite running outfit!

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Learning to fly

When I was 15 I went to summer camp.  We had a ropes course.  I climbed a 50 foot pole with a 12" platform.  It swayed in the wind. There was a trapeze, just out of grip reach, just close enough to touch with my fingers. I would have to unclench my grip on the ropes that were clipped to my waist and reach out and jump. jump..not knowing what the outcome would be.  I focused so hard on how to grab that bar...on the outcome. On how to make it happen. I was afraid. I finally jumped...and immediately grabbed the ropes clipped to my waist. I gently came down to earth. I was disappointed I didn't get the bar. I can still feel that bar against my finger tips. 25 years  figured it out. The bar isn't what's important. The important part is to jump, to reach out, "without expectation".  To revel in the jumping and the reaching out. The outcome didn't matter...getting the bar or not getting the bar, either way I would have landed safely on the ground. I completely missed the coolest part of the experience...jumping...flying...reaching.
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"This is why we race...."

Starting to visualize my cool impossible for Boston. Nervous excitement? or just nervous? 3:29, that...or less is what I want to see on the clock when I cross the finish at Boston. Just typing that sends butterflies up my chest and into my throat. Is it possible? I don’t know for sure...since I think it might be possible it’s time to stop fretting, calculating paces, splits, looking at past performances, workouts, heart rates and just start visualizing. Can I see 3:29 as possible...more importantly...without expectation? A wise coach...whose name starts with an E...and wears funny shoes, says, “This is why we race, to see what we can do. If there was a guarantee there would be no purpose”.
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Mindset of a champion?

I was perusing a running journal and ran across an article on a lady my age who runs marathons finishing nearly an hour faster than I hope to finish at Boston. The title of the article was "Mindset of a Champion". 4 pages and photos of a masters female athlete. The article ended with her commenting on when she'd know she was done running. She said, "There's going to be a day when I wake up and I'll pack up my shoes and I'll be done." She went on, "My kids don't want me to stop, but I've told them, mommy won't run forever...I'm not going to be falling off the cliff. I don't want to go and run a 21-minute 5K". My first reaction? "Ouch. That's my 5k best!". This mommy wants to run forever and if the day comes I can't run, I'll walk. And when I can't walk, I'll crawl. When I cant crawl I'll wiggle my toes. when I can't wiggle my toes, I'll wiggle my nose. And when I can't wiggle anything anymore I'll find joy in dreaming of running, wiggling, playing and moving.
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possibilities vs. expectations

Here's what happens when you let go of expectations and explore the possibilities....or as some might say..."demand the impossible"?!  First female finisher and broke female course record. Who'da thunk it possible a couple years ago? Not me.  Happy girl with race director.10059072688?profile=original

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5 ish weeks to Boston....

Starting to think more about Boston. My goal last year this time was to qualify for Boston at the OKC Marathon. It's the only marathon I have ever run. I did it and qualified (juuust barely!!). I've run quite a few trail ultra distances now and lots of little 5k-15ks on road over the years, but the marathon is daunting to me. It's a weird distance for me and an awkward challenge. It's all road and long, but not ultra long and not on trail or undulating, hilly dirt roads. I've kinda ignored Boston till now. Thinking I'm just going to soak up the atmoshphere and..well...hell..see Boston! I've never been there. I blocked the actual race out. Now I'm thinking about it...what do I want that race to be like for me. Do I want to try and set a pr...funny since I've only run 1 marathon...one would think a PR might not be that hard, however, I remember how "hard" OKC marathon was for me! There were a few points where I thought I was going to die or quit. I had never tried to drink electrolytes and water from little cups along the way. That requires some serious skill to actually get more than an ounce without stopping altogether....and then the bloating from sucking more are than fluid. I use a hydration pack for ultras and I never stopped for aid on any of the 5-15ks. What about the course? I know there are some hills and of course "heartbreak hill". OKC had some hills, but did it have as many? What about the weather and the jillions of other runners. Oh shit, my heart rate is climbing! Why am I nervous about Boston? It's supposed to be easy and laid back and no worries right?..I mean, the hard part was qualifying, right? I'm just going for the fun of it. Awe dangit. I knew it would happen. I can't run a race without putting my best foot forward, without seeing what the possibilities are, without challenging myself and seeing what plays out. So, of course, that being said I'm trying to visualize what time I will see at the finish line.....dare I divulge it and commit to seeing if it becomes a reality?
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Bend..don't break

Decided my run today would be out at Western Hills.  Lots of small rolling hills and pretty scenery to distract me from being nervous about how hard I anticipated today's speed intervals were gonna be. I'd be running near 90 minutes before ever starting the speed work.  I also knew my legs were already a little tired from a busier running week.  What I do know about Western Hills is that there are plenty of bathrooms in case Avery's stomach bug decided to take hold of me.  That was comforting. 20 min warm up-legs felt a little sluggish and slow which I anticipated.  Next 20 min I was to go at a "moderate" pace, so picked it up and actually felt decent.  Next up, 45 min "easy" pace. Soaked up the sun, trees, tons of deer, lake..then let the speed work begin. 7 minutes at a very fast pace...do it 6 times with 3 minutes rest in-between.  Those 3 minutes go by really fast by the way.  Managed to find a relatively flat, but seriously windy section to do these intervals.  First two I maintained the pace.  3rd and 4th I continued to hang in there.  5th I struggled a bit, but maintained.  6th?  Weird thing happened...about a minute in my watch started telling me I was going too slow. I told my legs to go faster.  They did, slightly.  Beep beep..your going too slow Lori. I told my legs again...go faster...they didn't listen.  It was like they were completely disconnected from my brain. For just a flash I thought about trying to fight.  Then I decided to go with it. To let my legs go as hard as they would and not get frustrated.  I knew (thankfully) that if I let myself get frustrated, And tried to fight, i would break down, my pace  would drop further and I would feel like I had failed.  I know, I've done it before, many times. So I stayed right there, I held as hard, as fast a pace as my legs would carry me. Looong 7 minutes! And hands on knees gasping for air when done!  But felt like I had accomplished a lot with that experience. I'm learning. The last 20 minutes of my 19 mi jaunt were laughable.  A sort of mosey-jog at first, but..after about 5-10 minutes I started coming back to life.  This is good, and important to remember...as i will come back from the dead many times at San Juan 50 miler and Leadville 100
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technical difficulties...

I like to pretend I am a type B personality...don't snort laugh...but really...yes...I know..I am a type A, or at least I revert very quickly to type A when stressed. Actually maybe even a type A+. This week is a harder running week. Higher volume, more intense speed work. Much of my training is heart rate based....enter technology and my subsequent decent into a psychotic fit about an hour in to my hour and a half run. Today's run? warm up, get into a zone range and stay there for about an hour and then cool down. Picked my favorite and somewhat hilly course to get me going up and down in that range. My goal was to try and use the whole range and really enjoy playing around. Of course I have my HR alarms set to ding when I either go above or below that heart rate zone. So, I'm cruising along and start speeding up to get my heart rate up. I'm feeling it, yup heart pumping, breathing harder...then the alarm on my watch tells me my heart rate is too slow. Wha? Huh? Look at my watch...way low heart rate..adjust my chest strap, tap my watch and back up again. 5 minutes later same thing, this time I'm climbing and FEEL i am at the high end of my zone...ding ding ding...Lori, your heart rate is too slow you need to speed up...huh? wha? shit?! I'm working hard and my heart rate is not showing it..what's wrong... am I just tired? Do I just think I'm working harder than I am? About that time....bang alarms stop, heart rate is showing high end of zone. ....Ok, whatever. 5 min later...yup, you guessed it. "fine" I think, I'll just show that damn watch and off I go, charging uphill, low zone alarm stops and high zone alarm immediately kicks in. Several rounds of this and I lost it. I stopped, kicked the dirt, wriggled around, tugged at my chest strap, had a small tantrum cursing the makers of my watch, heart rate strap, the moon, stars, satellites and all technology. Then took a deep breath and ignored my watch and went by feel. I was so psychotic looking that even the dogs that chase me down on that route hesitated...for about 2 seconds. As crazy as I got, I really had a blast. I love that route, those damn dogs, the rocky, hilly, twisty dirt road, the hills and the trees.
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bear chase...not beer chase

I had a longer speed interval to do today, 20 minute warm up then a pace I wasn't sure I could hold for a full 60 minutes. I've held that pace...barely...in a race scenerio.  I've held that pace for shorter distances on road..I've held faster paces on a nice flat soft track-shorte distances though.  So yesterday i spent much time pondering and plotting a course...of course trying to make it as flat as possible on road! Although Tahlequah is not particularly hilly, it is not particularly flat either.  So after dinner I drove out my course.  Then I thought, how am I going to keep myself motivated to stay at a pace I'm not sure I can do for 60 minute,s which I'm sure will seem like an eternity.  Bear chase.  I'll imagine a bear chasing me.  It will be a predawn solo run with headlamp anyway adding to seeming reality of being chased.  That may be enough to keep me moving. So...this morning after 20 minutes of warm up....ready...set...go!  That pace didn't seem so bad at first and I felt like the bear and I were loping along...I imagined the bear not being highly motivated at that point to catch me...Ha..and me not being highly motivated to outrun him...yet.  The first part of the course was downhill/flat which made it seem deceptively easy.  Then came that slight uphill grade at about 25 minutes...oh so slight...but of course felt like 6%....Now I was starting to picture the bear getting a little more motivated to catch me.  The slight uphill continued on to about 45 minutes where I decided I did not care any longer whether or not the bear caught me, or mangled my body and used my bones for toothpicks....Uh oh.... Gonna have to ditch that visualization.  Thinking...thinking... moved on to visualizing being chased down by another runner. That did the trick.  Kicked back in the game and finished staying in my goal pace zone.  I had to laugh as I ran.... What's more frightening to me? Another runner catching me.  Another human being chasing me down is more motivating to me than the threat of death.  That's just wrong.

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Lost my mind

A little more than halfway serious and a little concerned for my own sanity, I mentioned "I'm almost 40 and I'm daydreaming about running in wild places, I think I've lost my mind". My friend responded, "You haven't lost your mind, you just outran it". I like that.
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Good day

You know I've had a fun day when I take a zillion pictures. Back at Ouachita Trail. Had a playful 3 hour jaunt. Maybe it's the Cherokee in me, but I feel such a connection to those Mountains and that trail. I do believe God gives the mountains spirits and I feel hers every time I'm out there...I'm weird, i know. No need to fill me in on that fact. Sometimes I don't like her much as she gently reminds me who'se bigger and who'se in charge, Who has the lessons to teach and who has the lessons to learn. Sometimes we fight..well..I fight, and she just sighs patiently. And sometimes, on days like today, we play. I think she was pleased, I know I was. I saw her beauty, her peace, her strength, and her form. I took all of her in, as much as my senses could take. ...and then I rolled my ankle and planted my face in the ground. ...and we both laughed. It was a good run.
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hard day's work

Today was speed intervals. Ouch. But gooood brain and body work! I was supposed to get into a high heart rate zone and maintain it for 3 sets of 10 minutes each. It is a heart rate zone I don't particularly like. It is that almost too hard place where you start to panic thinking you are going to fall apart if you go just 1 beat per minute higher for any longer and not sure you can stay there for the full interval. Well of course the first interval I felt panicky, able to maintain, but wondering if I would be able to do it 2 more times without falling apart. Second interval? Centered myself, tried to see how much I could relax myself and maintain that HR. Second interval was hard, but easier than first giving me confidence I might be able to complete the 3rd without falling apart. 3rd interval? Just really damn hard! .....But doable. Felt like I was working much harder to maintain that high heart rate and dipped a couple of times, but popped right back up and finished in zone. Hands on knees gasping after. And then....just for sheer torture....brief sprints! Just love my coach!!
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Snuck in another daylight lunch run (normally weekday runs are 4:30am darkness). 50 degrees-NOT typical. Tank top and shorts, nice breeze, sun peeping through trees on white pasty arms and legs-blinded a few drivers I'm sure! Birds chirping. Even little bit of green grass. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Even the not-quite six pack of dogs seemed less interested in me playing on their farm-they only required on rock-launch instead of five.
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Pure Joy

A rare weekday run in daylight! A treat for sure, but not without a few tricks as well! Packed running clothes this morning planning to try to cut out of work early and run. My phone weather app said "high today-mid 50's". Uh, it turned out to be one of those "upside down" days we get when a cold front moves in and the "high" is actually around 11am and the temps bottom out from there. I also failed to notice the little wispy wind symbol and the wind speeds of 20-30mph. Wooops! So off I go, in thin Capri tights and a t-shirt...no time to run home and change to warmer garb...just get outta work and go! After 10 minutes of "it's not that bad...it's not that bad...I finally generated enough core heat to loosen up. Kept having to feel to see if my cheapy ear buds (which are always annoyingly noticeable) were actually in my ears, I could no longer feel them and kept thinking they had fallen out...I also couldn't hear the music because of the wind. When I reached my fingers up to find them I still couldn't tell if the damn things were in my ears, my fingers were too numb. I had to laugh out loud. It was rather funny. Whaddo ya do? Keep runnin'! Then down the twisty hill where the not quite six-pack of dogs always await me. 2 years they have never actually attacked me, but they sure do scare the heck outta me and give me a good run for my money! They seem to respond nicely to a deep momma bear roar and a slew of rocks. Me thinking..."when will they ever learn to leave me alone"...,them thinking "when will that dumb broad ever learn not to tread on our territory". Since this run is an out n' back, we do the same song and dance, them with the same vicious tearing after me chase...me with rocks trying to look big and yelling as I pass. Back up the twisty hill and around the bend back to starting point. It felt great! Battered around by the cold wind, running almost uncontrollably down rocky hills like a child and trudging back up...feeling a little more my age. Pure joy.
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Did I say "beloved" Ouachita Trail?!!!

Or as one runner on today's course named it...the "Ouch-ita Trail"!  30is runners toed the start line at the unoffical Ouachita Switchback Trail Race.  I think it will be official next year and the years to come.  Check out the race page at ouachitaswitchbacks.blogspot.com. Tommy Brennan is an awesome race director.  Today was more bitter than sweet for me.  It has been about 3 months since I've been out there. She is a tough, rugged, but beautiful trail stretching neary 200 miles from Oklahoma through Arkansas in the Ouachita Mountains. My goal today was to keep it comfortable and just enjoy the trail run. Ahhh, this young grasshopper fell into the trap of expectations.  Back to the race.  I was not intending to race. That was not today's agenda. The first 4 miles were easy rolling hills...laiden with her notorious rocks, roots, creek crossings and thorns.  It felt fun and relatively easy those first 4 miles, although I could feel myself pushing the upper limit of "comfortable" early on.  I came into the first aid station behind the front pack of boys. I was happy with my spot (because this was were I EXPECTED to be).  The next 2+ miles were a steady up up up. Over boulder field, severaly large downed trees and more and more rocks and roots. I wasn't feeling as comfortable.  So what choice did I make?  Relax, slow down, let the trail come to me, enjoy the beauty around me?  Well of course not!  And Ouachita Mountain's response?  "Tisk tisk little girl, you know better than to fight me!"  Like a stubbonr 3 year old I charged forward, getting more and more tired, slowing down, looking at my watch.."shit, is that all my heart rate is?  Is that all my pace is?"  Of course I didn't realize my 3 year old mentality at the time. I attributed slowing down to "just trying to keep it comfortable", I wasn't "trying" anything other than to move faster and feel better moving faster.  At about mile 5-6 a nice little break from the up...a number of switchbacks down into a saddle section before going up again. I regained a little steam, then up the next set of switchbacks. 32 of them to be precise.  Oh did I get pissed off.  Last time I was out there I was able to run (albeit slow!) up all of those switchbacks.  Today I hiked darn near every one.  I got really aggrevated. Fists clenched, head down, charging up those switchbacks...and Ouachita's response?  Tisk Tisk young lady.  I'm disappointed you refuse to enjoy what I have here for you. You brought company and you are acting like a big baby". Like a 3 year old I charged on.  Of course I told myself I was not running becuase I was supposed to be taking it easy, but really I was not running because I couldn't. I got to the top of the switchbacks, the turnaround and sat on a rock and ate my pb sandwich...perfect opportunity to chillax and rethink my attitude and reset myself.  Did I make the right choice?  NOPE!  I still believed I was NOT succumbing to my own expectations, that I WAS taking it easy and letting the trail come to me, keeping it comfortable, yadda, yadda, yadda. The whole while the Ouachita trail saying, "you still have much to learn, let me teach you". I was in no mood to be taught anything at that point.  My stomach revolted against the pb sandwich for the next mile and a half and my dual chamber hydration pack wasn't working right.  The water bladder tube was not working, so only electrolyte drink for 14 miles.  Did I stop to fix it so I could have water?  NOPE!  And Ouachita Mt said, "tisk tisk".  By the time I got to the 14 mile aid station I was sooo thirsty for water.  Fixed my pack and guzzled water the next 3.5 miles to the finish. Still so much to learn.  Disappointed that I succumbed to my own expectations, that I was unwilling to accept where I was at and embrace it and form it into a positive experience.  I know how to do the latter, I've done it before, and it is an amazing experience.  Learn and grow.  Learn and grow.

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Oh my beloved Ouachita Trail...

I have a bittersweet relationship with this trail...very bitter for the first few go arounds!  (see waaaay back posts!). It is now a very sweet relationship, I have a great deal of respect for her...she has taught me so much about myself.  I see myself, the world, and those around me different because of her lessons.  Saturday I go back to learn more.  17.7 miles of rugged, rooty, technical, steep terrian.  This is the first time I will run with other people out there.  It's weird, it's always been just she and I. This will be an "unofficial" race.  The organizer couldn't get all the permits for an official race.  Going to be about 30-50 runners running either a 25 k (actually about 17-18 miles) or 50k (likely a little more than 50 as well!).  I don't plan to race, I'm supposed to be smart and take it easy on this one.... since I just started back after a small winter's nap. That winter's nap however has charged my batteries pretty seriously and I wanna join every race in sight right now!  I have beat myself enough up on this trail to know how rough and unforgiving she is.  I like to think she looks forward to seeing me too. To see how I've grown as a trail runner, how I've learned to respect her and pay attention to the lessons she offers me...and I'm sure to laugh at how I fumble and stumble over her tricks and treats.  I so enjoy her and I hope she enjoys me too.  Looking forward to more lessons learned and a greater fondness for that damn tough trail.  Will let you know how it goes!

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'nuther yummy treat...

1 can mixed nuts1/2-1 can almonds--just cuz I reaaally like them!handful of dried blueberrieshandful of dried chopped dateshandful of dried cranberries and/or raisinssmaller handful of butterscotch chipssmaller handful of dark chocolate chipssmaller handful of m&msMix it all up and add more/less of what you like. Warning...addictive!!
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